Retro telephone

Revisited a model i started years back while learning Blender.

#telephone assets #vintage #landline #wired #communication


It looks great, but you have the numbers in the wrong order :wink:


Yep, they go counter-clockwise from 1 to 0. Each number makes equal amount of “clicks” when the rotary disk is released.

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Hahaha, omg you are right.
I have very conflicting references and in the heat of the modeling i must have picked the wrong one. Thanks for letting me know before i started painting @bartv !

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Haha, I love the sticky notes and how they convey the tone of the call! That’s great. I remember those kind of notes.

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I like the background, looks stylized, should I say

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Thank you guys, love your comments.

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I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!

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Thanks Bart, you too :wink:

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You’re on the featured row! :+1:

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Now that’s a fantastic relic! Did you have a particular year (or decade) in mind when you made it?

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Thanks a lot @slingshot101
I can still see it standing in the corner of our living room in the 1980’s and i can still ‘recall’ the distinct sound of the rotary disc when using it :smiley:
I must have been around 12 years old.


OMG, I’m old enough to remember calling friends and family with this. :sweat_smile: Good job!

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That’s cool! Old technology really has charm like that.

My dad wrote a book that takes place in the 1980s (rotary phone included), so I had to ask. I’m currently modelling for his next story in the series.

Thanks for replying!


Yeah i think these things will be seen as antique relics of engineering and kids today can’t imagine how we had to use those to get stuff done lol
What a great project !
My dad has been drawing/painting his whole life and at one point i think i’ll try to redo a few of his works in Blender.

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By the way, i felt like texturing this phone and i decided to add some extra detail.
All the details are normals, fun stuff to do !

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I think they can also be described as “timeless”. There will always be a certain fascination with engineering in general from twenty, fifty years ago. It’s inspiring.

Thanks! Hopefully I’ll have something done soon. The scale is literally grand.

That’s amazing! You should include his paintings somewhere in each render (looking freshly done), or create an interact-able 3D gallery in Unity!

Either way, I’ll catch it when you get around to it. Good luck!

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