Southafrican mine resistant 4x4.
It´s a lot of work left on this one.
good start. Like to see a wire frame.
will post a wire of the project when I am done with the details,
and I am geting closer to the point when it´s time to texture.
There is some work on the roof left, the interiorand the base also.
That’s a good base mesh, how much detail are you planning on adding? Is this going to be a rugged, beaten up type of vehicle or a straight out of the factory look-at-my-car render?
I will probably go with a rugged style. Not that super beaten up tough, but It will look like It´s actually has been used. There is also an option between forest cammo or desert cammo where the dessert cammo will be quite hard to tackle. If anyone has any good advice on how to approach making this material I take any good advice.
see third picture from the top…
I had some time to pick up this model again. Added air intake for engine, extra tank, joints, bolts. Also placed in some basic interior. Fixed floor and back. Now the modeling is about 80% done. I just need to ad details for the roof. Unfortuneatly I do not have any good reference images of the top, that usualy holds a small turret position for a roof gunner, and among other things…
This is looking sweet, I’ll be keeping an eye on this thread.
A little more detail on the rooftop, top hatch and box.
New “rims” and some cleanup of topology.
South African, you say? not that i’m bias or anything but… LIKE!
Looking Sweet!
Looks great! The plates that make up the exterior, you can add some thickness to them by using the solidify modifier.
Started to texture…This is one of about 5 models I have that is almost done. I have set up a goal to have them all done within a couple of weeks.
Almost now…
Done headlights, textured the front, the wheels, started on the environment.
I love it! Perfect looking semi-matte paintjob.
Mind showing us your render setup?
thanks Tomi,
The shaders and the render setup is pretty straight forward. The most complex is the ground where I set it up like this:
The shader on the ATW is just a mix shader…glossy and diffuse.
The render is not processed in the blender comp. Instead I do to it exactly what I do to all my real life photos. I do some photoshop final touch, and I guess that is what makes the render look good.
What I do is:
Sharpen once
Dodge highlights
Make a gradient mask and ad a touch of vignette.
And than a small curves adjustment.
I guess all, but dodging the highlights would actually be possible in blender. I might try it for the final render this weekend.
Thanks for the info!
I´m looking forward for some updates. I really like offroad and military vehicles. Even my hobby is off-roading;)