Rig a grease pencil drawing

I’ve done a quick search, but can’t figure out how to parent a grease pencil image to an armature, like this:

Can anyone explain how it’s done in the new 2.78 version?

Hi, It’s all done with the settings in the gpencil layers panel, under the layers list - there is a parent option, currently only object and armature bone seems to work, I didn’t get any deformation to really work…

Ah! Thanks, it was staring me in the face all along.

That’s a question I had too. Did you guys get this work?? Or do you guys found some good tutorial??

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I got it working ! I answered on another thread already, but here it is :slight_smile:

I have a similar questions. What you can do is possible until a certain point where i am stuck. But you can do a lot yet with these steps :

  • Create the GP object, draw the first frame
  • Create an armature, create bones and align them to your drawing on the first frame
  • Select the GP object in object mode (i do this in the objects list on the right, i never manage to select the strokes in object mode on the viewport), and shift + click on the armature. Press ctrl + P to parent the GP to the armature, and select “armature deform” > “with automatic weights”
  • Now if you select the armature and go to pose mode, you will be able to move the bones, but the GP rigging will look weird, unless your drawing was like a single line following exactly the armature
  • To adjust the puppet, select the GP object and select the “weight paint mode”. Then in the menu under the GP layers list, you will see a “vertex groups” section. There, when you select a bone, the viewport switches to the weights assigned to the selected bone.
  • Paint the vertex with simple click or ctrl + click on your lineart to add/remove weight

To switch art

  • go to back draw mode, then slide to a new frame, and draw the new art
  • back again in “weight paint mode”, and selecting the bones in the “vertex groups” section, you can reassign weight on this new art.

Now the problem is that if your bones are animated at this moment in the timeline, when you assign the weight, it will be calculated using the “rest” mode of the armature, wich means you will have to draw your art as if the bones were still on the first frame and not in that current frame where it has moved. It’s a little annoying because you can’t draw exactly the pose you want

I adressed that problem in another thread, if you can “Up” it :slight_smile: