Rig legging only spins on z axis. x and y axis also only move on z axis


New blender user here. I’ve searched multiple sites for a solution to this problem, but I haven’t been able find one that solves my issue. I have attached a video that shows my issue.


  1. When I try and move the legs on the x and y axis, they only spin on the z axis. When I choose z axis, it of course works fine.
  2. The rest of the armature works fine as well.

Things tried:

  1. Removing any constraints.
  2. Unlocking all the location values.
  3. Unlocking location checkbox in the tool panel.

Any help would be most appreciated.

I’m going to guess either either some controller is preventing it (looks like there are a lot of them), or an issue with gimbal lock.

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Hi, your legs have an IK setup with move controls on the feet and hands, and you are trying to move the FK rotations they will be constraint to the IK.

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