Hello guys! I’m really newbie like a rigger in blender. If for that i need help. I share a video where I show one simple test of a Cube with differents pivots points. How a first solution it’s ok. But i need the bones follow the mesh all time.
I know in Autodesk Maya exist the clusters for attach the bones to the mesh. In blender I have tryed to use the modifier hook without succes.
surely there are any other solution that i’m not able to think… Please whatever suggestion it’s ok for me.
Well, I’ve done a lot of rigging in blender as a professional and while this seems basic it doesn’t look easy to do… At least I can’t give you an answer from the top of my head without experimenting …
What you’re looking for is called vertex parenting but it won’t work as it will create a cyclic dependency, the cube will move the parented empty/cluster but the empty will move the cube as well… So the final position is impossible to compute in one go…
One solution might be to do exactly what you did , but making the system loop in a way that it creates a continuous motion…
I’m convinced that it’s possible to find a more “mechanical” approach just like we would do with rigging car’s wheels…
Also nothing related but there is also the pivot constraint that might or might not help here…
As it looks like a fun challenge I might try something just to see how I would solve it…
In the meantime, maybe you should look into another challenge to learn rigging, and if you are forced to do it… may the force be with you