RIG QUESTION:Double Unrolling on Scroll - Simple or Not :)

Hey Guys,

I’ve been experimenting with curves, and I’ve found out very difficult to achieve such a simple thing like unrolling effect on scroll. For example check this tutorial - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zmyjT5XM6aA

I’ve been experimenting - with curves (shape keys) however I achieved the effect, but I spend lots of time trying to find a way by hooking the thing, I’ve try also with bend + lattice modifier…

but I’m still wandering is there a way to simulate this effect like in real world, for example like cloth simulation, also what if the paper is attached to some objects (something like this wooden holders - http://www.turbosquid.com/3d-models/maya-old-scroll/907160). Or what if there is a inner force generated - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qvFN-DFnFto).

I think this goal is simple but the same time very tricky. I will appreciate any feedback, tips, advice just everything about how this effect could be achieved aside from “curve shape keys” like I did it. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zmyjT5XM6aA

An interesting rigging problem. I guess I would have done as you did and used shapekeys. I do not think a cloth sim would help in any way.

I did mess around with a few other modifiers, but did not get any results that would be worth reporting.

Our resident mechanical genius, Clockmender, might have a few ideas. I know he has a rope rig that extends from a spool. That might give you some alternative ideas.

Good luck!

Check the finger rig in rigify, copy how that works and use a lot more bones to get smoother unrolling.

A bezier curve and animall add-on would make short work of it.

Danpro - you made me blush! :o

But I had a quick idea - just my first shot so to speak, perhaps something like this might work…

scroll.blend (536 KB)

Just press Play to see it operate. I only had 15 mins to do this, but I will look in more detail once our guests have gone - if I am still sober enough to see my screen!

Cheers, Clock :smiley:

PS my rope tutorial is on my website http://www.lafavinie.f2s.com/blender/index.html or in the Tutorials section on BA.

Here is my attempt at this using action constraints and bones. http://www.pasteall.org/blend/35939

The first layer has the rig. Grab the sphere to roll the paper. The action could be made smother with a bit more time and love in the action editor, but I think this shows the concept. Also, more controls could be added to roll the paper from either side. I segmented the bones to create a smother bend to the paper. Experiment with more segments, more subdivision levels, or more bones to get a smoother roll.

On the second layer I tried creating a “blanket” of bones. The outer bones are all duplicates of the center bone chain and parented to the center. This allows you just to move the center bone chain and the other will follow. Also, I used auto weighting with this rig.

I think this would be the way to go if you wanted to have curling at the edges that was not linear.

I hope someone finds this useful.

Good luck!

P.S. Nice rig, Clockmender. You never disappoint. :slight_smile:

So, I thought about this in my drunken stupor from yesterday and came up with a revised effort, that I think is a little better, see what you think chaps, and chappesses!:smiley:

Well I have left this uploading for 50 minutes and it still hasn’t managed to get there :mad: so I have pasteall-ed it:


With this one you can also put some shape (other than flat) into the paper, like curl up the corners, etc. Feel free to tweak the drivers, alter the mesh and curve, totally f*** it up, etc. to your heart’s content!

Cheers, Clock.


Thanks Dan!


You can also move the paper in X as well as the curve for added fun!

… so whilst I was busying myself sticking skirting boards around our new bathroom, another thought occurred to me:

"Why not add a “track” for the scroll to follow so you can manipulate it in three dimensions rather than only one!

What a genius I am… you may like to comment on this exaggerated claim. :smiley:

Anyways here is my latest effort, as ever, just press play - it should be in “Material” display mode or you can render the animation and enjoy the results.

Herewith a sneak preview:

and herewith the blend file, there should be a packed image in it, if not let me know, but I am sure I packed it in.

scroll.blend (977 KB)

Yours as ever,

Clock M. Ender Esq.


I forgot to say - just copy and mirror the relevant parts to get a double scrolling parchment chaps!

@ Ilero

Just looked at your solution - I like the two curves you have used, and the kinks they produce in the scroll - very nice. I have just modded mine to do this as well, looks neat.

Cheers, Clock.

Well this is my final take on the matter - press play and watch it from the camera view, it is set up like that. :eek:

I am now going back to the funny farm for my therapy and “downers”.

scroll.blend (994 KB)

Cheers, Tick-Tock.


I have added some more wavy curves to my model and added more curve modifiers to the paper on my blend file, no I am not going to post it, so that when you move these, various sections of the paper also “flutter”. I think I have done this to death now, so how is the OP (IvayDesign) getting on with it?

Thanks guys! I really like and appreciate your effort to help! Clockmender - thanks a lot!