I switched to the metric unit system after I noticed that i still used the imperial units. The height of my character is now 0.5m. I did a few animations already and thought to myself that it cannot be so complicated to rescale my whole character. Seems like I was wrong and nobody had this problem before, at least not to the excact extends. Sadly i can’t upload my file or put more than 2 links into a post since I am a new user…
I tried the first 6 solutions that came up in my google search
Solution 1
Solution 2
Hi, have you generated the rigify rig on your meta rig?
You can link your file through a third party free transfer websites.
thank you for your reply.
Mh… idk tbh if i did that. I just created my object, added the human meta rig, placed the bones in the right places and then i pressed “Generate Rig”
Sadly I tried so many things that my blender file is now completely unusable and i will restart from scratch. Thing is now I got a new problem since my generated rig clips trough the Mesh and idk if this a major error or if i can ignore it.
The legs, hips and shoulders are the biggest offenders when it comes to the missaligned rig:
I wished there would be a “perfect rig example” for humans
Is there a prefered third party transfer website?
Ok, if you generated the rig then you should be able in object mode to scale your rig the meta rig
Will not scale but that souldent matter as the meta rig can be hidden or even deleted your generated rig will be the one you animate and the mesh is parented to the rig not to the meta rig…
For transfer i use; WeTransfer web site.
Your meta rig should be align to the mesh from all direction before generating the rig, otherwise your mesh will not deform as expected.
Another problem you have is that your mes model is not in A or T pose that will create problem when parenting the mesh to the rig.
So… I made a little video of me generating the rig. I am probably doing something wrong.
My other thought was that maybe my legs are to far behind the body and that causes riggify some confusion?
And here is my blend file
Have you parented the mesh to the rig yet?
Ok i had a look at your file and i have adjusted the meta rig leg bones to match the mesh and slight bending for the ik. have a look at the screenshot this is what you need to achieve.