Rigging a bow dosent work

i’m trying to rig the bow in a couple of ways and none of them work. what i tried

  1. rigging to the string when the string is seperated from the bow but it only moved the lower half of the string

  2. rigging to the bow when the string is joined with the bow because i expected the bow to curve together with the string. i wont mind if only the string would move but its still dosent do anything. its like the armature dosent work on pose mode at all no matter what i do.

  3. i tried riging the entire bow from bottom to top and to the string which also dident worked.

also its something i noticed that happen all the time with rigging which is that alot of the time it wont work no matter what i do and sometimes it works.

edit: so i’ve tried to rig the string of the bow from bottom to top and instead its just bends the bow itself. i want only the string to bend . this is when the bow and the string are joined. so i tried seperating the bow and the string and then parent the string with the armature but it dosent work at all. it dosent bend its just moves the entire string with the armature out of place

I wouldnt try to use bones for the string.

Just make the string a straight spline with a round profile. Use 2 hook modifiers to connect it to the bow via nulls. Lock the nulls in place to the notches with a modifier. Then it will stretch as needed when the bow curves.

i dont know what you mean, the only thing i understood was the hook modifier.

Perhaps this will help.

(Also, I made an opps in my original post - notch nulls are connected with vertex parenting, not modifiers).

Bow animated with shape key, string by the cube controller - keys set at 0 and 10F.

bow.blend (1.1 MB)

again, i’m trying to figure out what you mean. the string in that picture you posted, what is that exactly and how do i make it? i used cylinder and then i used cube for the string. just made it very thin. i prefer the bow to be rigged because i want to sell it as an asset. and i dont want my bow to bend so much like in that picture. also. what does nulls and notch means? i’m sorry but i’m new to the software so i dont understand.

Have you considered learning the basics of the software before selling assets for it? How exactly do you plan on offering customer support when an asset doesn’t work or a user doesn’t understand it, and you don’t understand it either? Selling stuff is way, way, way above your current level


The string the the picture is a curve with a profile, as I mentioned in my first post.

Notch - the part of a bow that the string connects to.

Null - blender calls it an Empty. After years of calling it a null object in other software, I’m not going to translate everything into Blender speak.

On the rest, re: rigging and resale - it’s going to be more complicated than the method I used, so I’ll leave that explanation to someone else, as if you don’t understand the file I’ve uploaded for study, I doubt a method with bones and spline IK would be easily understood either.