Rigging a rabbit. help?

okay, so im rigging a rabbit (which i would also love critique on the model.) but my question is when i try to move the master bone (im going to animate it jumping, so i need one) it moves everything except the back legs.

i have IK solvers set to the lower legs, and ive yet to fix the bending of the back legs, but how can i make it to where the master bone moves all of it?


select the hip bones in edit mode, and look where it says ‘child of’ in the bone information. type in the name of the backbone, and that should do it.

It’s looking realy cute. I’ma watch this thread bit cause i’m havin issues with riggin own quadraped critter up. Glad your control bone working, mine seemed just make nothing able move…

Modron- thanks! i knew it would be something easy like that :wink: ill try it!

Furlow- thanks, i love making animals :smiley: i cant do people to save my life. hope yours starts working!

lookin like it’s comin together slowly, but controler bone on mine didn’t work, so manualy moving things about :frowning:

Did you child the spine one and the leg handles to the master bone?

Oh and Modron, it worked, thank you :slight_smile:

Yeah, and when tried pose it, the limbs started spiraling all over the place on own.

Okay… I know how to fix this… I’m a newbie at these things myself, but I think what you have to do is reset the rotation of the armature while its in either edit or object mode. Its somewhere in the wiki tutorial, ill find it if I can.

Wow… I’ll try that out and see if works. If does for my rig, wouldn’t suprise me being somethin sounding fairly simple. And yet wouldn’t notice till randomly happen apon or someone else keyed in on >.<; Thanks!