Rigging a shawl


I need help. I have a character who wears a shawl around her shoulders. The body is rigged with rigify and i tried just parenting the shawl to the rig and for the most part it worked fine but when the arms go down to the side, they droooooop well below the shoulders.

If I weight paint them to not have as much influence then the shawl just floats around weird.

How would you go about this? I’m currently trying a seperate rig for the shawl but its a pain having to move it individually to match the shoulders.

any help welcome.


Edit - this is what happens when i attach it to the main rig, see the droopy shoulders.

Is cloth physics out of the question? A shawl would be pretty simple to have animate on top of her

Maybe you could create a shape key for the shawl, and control it’s value by creating a driver hooked up to the downwards rotation of the arm. Hope that makes sense

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Physics is better, but if you only anticipate limited range of motion, you can do it with bones. But I don’t think Rigify is going to get you there. The shawl needs its upper own arm bones, separate from those of the fleshy arm. I would have a shawl arm bone parented to clavicle, that damped tracked upper arm’s tail, and then a front and back stretch-to bone, from spine-whatever to markers parented to the shawl arm bone. The shawl arm bone’s position could be adjusted by hand to keep things looking decent, but you could probably come up with some automation of it as well.

There are probably some alternative ways to do this as well, with surface deforms from specialized meshes.

Edit: on second thought, the shawl arm bones should probably be parented to spine, with copy location from tail of clavicle or head of upper arm. You don’t want them acquiring weird rotation from the clavicle.

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Im going to try all of these.

When i logged off last night I moved the arms to more of an A-pose and re-adjusted the shawl to match in the hopes it will play better but I think you are right Bandages. I tried making a separate rig for the shawl and it was a mess but I never thought to rig it to the clavicle so it might turn out better - Just trying to get my head around what you were describing.