Rigging a Snake

Hello all. Please I need tips on how to rig a snake in Blender.

I want to give the snake rig the ability to follow a curve path.


but also I want to be able to control the body of the snake :snake: individually, such that I can twist the bones anyhow I like, especially curling the head and tail

Is there a way I can achieve this in Blender? :cry:. A way to create a snake rig where I can switch between following a curve path and not following a curve path.

If you’re wanting several shots of the snake curling and slithering in different positions, you could rig the snake with the spline IK, having separate bones as controllers at different points along the body. The controller bones are connected to a bezier curve with hook modifiers (Spline IK target is the bezier curve).

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Thank you. I will try that out.

Do you think this is possible?

Such that the 3 red bones are controls for the head and neck of the snake. The 4 green bones are controls for the tail of the snake.

But alsoooo, the 7 bones can move on the curve path like a real snake, the tail bones following the head bones.

Is it possible with this bone arrangement?

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I used some similar to your approach for a film (two directions chains for the front and tail) using IK spline, using bones as hooks as control points and hacking the curve tilt with drivers, it allow me to achieve most of the shots

Interesting. Please what do you mean by hacking the curve tilt?

the ihooks can manipulate the curve nicely , except, it cant manipulate the tilt of the curve, then you should get the controller rotation to handle the tilt of the nodes of the curve with drivers