Rigging baggy clothes : Faking collision with geo nodes or surface deform

Hello ! I’ve been trying to rig a loose shirt for my character instead of using cloth simulation, and the main problem I’m facing is the cloth clipping through the body around the arms and shoulders.

I could use shape keys, but before that I’d like to try and see if I can’t get an easier solution with geo nodes. I’ve never really used them though. Is there any way I could select the vertices that get inside the body and push them away ? I’ve been trying raycast node and proximity node to no avail. I don’t know if the fact that both meshes are rigged is causing an issue.

If this cannot work, could it be possible to “recreate” the surface deform modifier in geo nodes, in a way that doesn’t create a double transformation effect when combined with the armature (so the shirt can follow the body mesh but still be manipulated by hand) ?

Thanks !

Turns out, sometimes a good old shrinkwrap modifier also does the job

Just for your info if you find that shrink-wrap doesn’t do as you wish when animating…try this …it’s a good tool to keep around for anything like this…


Ah thanks, it’ll probably come in handy later :smile:

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