Hey im new here and I’ve been trying to make a game using UDK and i made a simple 8bit zombie model that i hope to use in the engine but everytime i try to rig it the model just deforms i was hoping that someone could either help me out and rig it or give me some advice just any bit of help ill attach the blend file. zombie1.blend (635 KB)
How are you rigging the model? Completely by hand, with rigify, mesh deform, ??? Each method could generate different problems.
Make certain your bone weights match your rigging; the rig is operating as you want it without any skinning applied; and you only have one armature applied.
thanks i figured out how to successfully rig the model, but now when i try to export the model and the skeleton to PSK/PSA format it just says that “armature bones:16 vertex groups: 32 doesnt match!” not exactly sure what to do but thanks i have spent alot of time on this model trying to go for a 8bit sort of feel without going to far into minecraft
According to that message, you have 16 armature bones and 32 vertex groups. For every bone in your armature, you should have 1 vertex group with the same name. Your vertex groups are found in the properties panel, in the object data panel - it’s icon looks like an upside down triangle. So start looking around there to track down the problem. If you have 16 bones, and you haven’t named them, their names will be ‘bone’, ‘bone.001’, ‘bone.002’, etc… compare the names of the vertex groups to the names of the bones.
Since you have exactly 2x the amount of vertex groups as you have bones, I wonder if you somehow duplicated all the bones, and used auto weighting, then deleted the extra bones… dunno, just guessing.
If you can’t figure it out, post up a .blend file so someone can look at it…
A traceback error means there is something wrong with the python code. A lot of the python API dealing with meshes changed from 2.62 to 2.63 due to the bmesh upgrade. I’m thinking that the exporter hasn’t been updated. You could try an older version of blender, contacting the author of the script to see if they are planning to update it, or if you know how to code, update the script yourself.
I tried it on windows 7 blender 2.63 64 bit and it didnt seem to work, and blender 2.60 64 bit linux version (ubuntu btw) seems to have the same Traceback error, also tried a new cube scene like you said
Well i actually managed to get linux version of blender to get past the traceback error; but now it keeps giving me a Export finished! with the word error over it and the file isn’t in the directory i exported it to. Any ideas?
lol … so i did see this right too – did see same “error” with finished message and was wondering if its an error or i made something wrong when setting the export-file-name.
The problem seems, the script creates 2 files, one with psk and one with psa extension and both were created in my current working directory (sorry - i know some windows-user never know what this is and to explain it … … i lack the windows-knowledge) - with a “/” in front of their names.
But i thought this was an error from my selection of the output-directory … (in the script-gui).
So i am not using this export script - i can only think it wants a directory name for the output - but with? or without trailing “/” … and i know in windows its the opposite "" and maybe there is something wrong (but i think this would be the same with older versions…).
First you have to find the created files with extension .psa .psk …
and if not already done, start blender from a terminal/console-window, so you will see any error-messages in this after closing blender.
looks like your right, i tried it again and checked the directory. didn’t find it where i extracted it BUT! i used Ubuntu to search for any PSK/PSA files and found them now to see if they work in the UDK