Rigging training DVD from Nathan Vegdahl

DVD arrived today in the mail, can’t wait to see it

Glad you guys like it!

Gianmichele: awesome! Please let me know what you think of it. I’ve followed you on the forums for a while, and I respect your opinion a lot.

Grr. The humane rigging dvd arrived today, but it must be damaged or something. I put it in the disc drive and it just groans.

Did someone mention something about download links? Would be something while I wait for a replacement.

Absolutely. Just email me at: nathanvegdahl at gmail dot com

Got mine today, and so far (all of ten minutes or so) it most definitely rocks!

DVD arrived yesterday.
Is there a mp4 or avi version of the videos? I’m trying to watch them in my TV+PS3 using the PS3 Media Server but it can not detect the webm videos. :frowning:


Had a quick look at some of the videos and it looks really well done. Hope to have time during the week end but I’m in heavy demo reel mode now :slight_smile:


Really liked the way you presented the difference between Rotations and Orientations. This is gonna help me in my computer graphics studies. Thank you!

Unfortunately, no. I made a conscious decision to only publish the DVD using open, free, unencumbered standards. WebM is currently the best such standard for audio and video that also has a decent amount of support.

However, you are always free to re-encode the videos yourself! HandBrake is a good tool for that: http://handbrake.fr
My suspicion is that you’ll need to encode them to h.264 and aac, as an mp4 file. Although it seems like there are no guarantees about these things.

I’m going through the series for the second time and it’s just as entertaining and educational second time around. I keep finding things I missed the first time through.

Excellent job, Nathan. Can’t wait to see your next one.

Oh, and I got my ‘hard copy’ in the mail today.

Hi Nathan, congratulation to your DVD!
Just one question - how do you animate with the torso pivot? I think counter animating will be still needed when you need to move pivot often (but for a shot where the pivot will not move and you only have to decide on its starting location its nice solution).

Where are these being shipped from? I have not seen mine here yet in Arizona.

In practice, most shots only need a single pivot point. But yes, there will be a certain amount of counter-animation necessary when switching. Fortunately, if you do the switch in a single frame (as you should–just like when doing IK/FK switching) then the counter-animation is trivial.

They’re being shipped from the Netherlands. If you’re feeling impatient, feel free to shoot me an email, and I can send you a download link. :slight_smile:

I’m still waiting, too (Maryland). I’ll wait another couple of days, then may take you up on that link. :slight_smile: Looking forward to getting into some serious rigging.

Yeah, I’m waiting too in Virginia. I’ve done a lot of rigging, but am interested to actually understand rigging and how it works, not just memorize armatures and such, so I can’t wait!

hello~~Could you provide the download version of the DVD after I buy it?
if not that I have to wait for it more than 1 month …
can anyone help me?

As mentioned earlier in this thread, I am happy to provide downloads to people who buy the DVD. :slight_smile: Just send me an email (my email address is listed up-thread).

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No need for a download. Got mine today. Yay! But I might have questions. :wink:

Humane Rigging’s entertaining and erudite presentation of its material is really, really brightening things up for me on a day where i’m stuck at home in pain (stupid medical conditions, blarg).

Thanks so much Nathan for making this not only useful but also really good fun; you’re doing a huge service to animation in Blender by sharing your wisdom so approachably. You’re awesome.