I have a problem with my animation. I have two objects and I have already made an animation for the first one - it’s falling down and bouncing - I made it manually. Then I want another object to fall on the first one and I want to use a rigid body simulation, but then something is really wrong and then the second object is not falling at all or moving somewhere else without any reason. I have tried applying scale, what should I do?
Here are a few things to check :
-Make sure the animated rigid body is set to “passive” and the “animated” checkbox is used.
-Make sure the falling rigid body is set to “active”, that the “dynamic” checkbox is used and the “animated” checkbox is not used.
-Make sure the active rigid body has its origin set to geometry.
-If either of the meshes is concave, its rigid body collision should be set to “mesh” and not “convex hull”.
-Next to your timeline, you will see something that says “playback”. Make sure it’s set to “play every frame”, as that is important for seeing simulations in the viewport.
If these fail, then something more complicated is happening and I would probably have to see the scene to tell what.
He Jaco8,
could you share the .blend file? And try to explain more what you want to do. I’m sure there are lot of people try to help and solve it. Without the file it is always difficult. But hey etn249’s answere should solve it.
I found the solution, but thank you for your willingness to help
I would to add to this that the object(s) need to be included in the collection “RigidBodyWorld”. In the Properties of the Object → “Object” category → “Collections” it should include “RigidBodyWorld” as one of the collections
Would you mind sharing so others can see. I am having the same problem
this happened to me too and the solution was quite simple. I had forgotten that I already baked dynamics for another part of my scene. So I just had to delete that bake. Hope it helps someone in the future with the same issue.
Yes, please send the solution, thank you
I had the same problem and came here for the solution but didn’t find one. This is how I solved it. Under Rigid Body World (Scene section) the Simulation Start and End was still set to start at frame 1 and end at 250. My scene was at frame 650. Yikes. So I changed these settings to align with my sene frame and that solved it.
A solution that worked for me was making sure I added an animated keyframe at the start before applying the rigid body Physics.
Keyframe 1 - Animated
Keyframe 2 - Not Animated (Now under Rigid body Physics).
Then it would fall properly. Also preferably using the Convex Hull type.
In case it maybe helpful to anyone in the future.
ANOTHER POSSIBLE REASON: In my case I was doing a car animation but it went too fast when rendered it so I slow the animation from Output Properties\Frame range\Time Stretching. I back the default settings old/new to 100 and the simulation happened. Hope to be in help for someone cause I even ask Chat GPT but it doesn’t know this possible bug. Cheers!
What worked for me also was to apply scale to all objects to be acted upon by simulation and then set the margin values much smaller. The defaults had the objects floating or even jumping upwards away from the passive rigid body. Once I’d worked out those two issues, simulation worked a LOT more realistically.