Rigid Body Physics (Collisions)


I am using Rigid Body Physics in Blender 2.83 to have some cubes fall into a bowl. It should be quite simple, but as you can see the result is grossly over-dramatic.

What am I doing wrong, or not doing?



could you please share your file? https://pasteall.org/blend/

Drop.blend (3.8 MB)

Sure. Here goes.

If you select a cube, give it a Shape > Box instead of Mesh, select all the other ones, select the one you’ve changed at last, go in the header menu > Object > Rigid Body > Copy from Active, they will fall correctly (just delete the one that is overlapping another one)

And to avoid the cubes going a bit thourgh the bowl, select the bowl and increase its Sensibility Margin

Thanks ever so. I did as you said. I also turned on Physics Properties > Sensitivity > Collision Margin for the cubes. It works BUT…

I was only using cubes to learn the setup and will want to use more complex shapes later. Can you please explain for me why Collisions > Shape > Mesh did not work? Would Mesh work for some objects? Do I need to UV unwrap for Mesh to work on the cubes?

I’ve noticed that mesh would not work well for the active object, I don’t know if it’s always the case, I hope someone who knows rigid body better than me will answer, I think for more complex objects use the Convex Hull option

Sorted now. I had Scene Properties > Unit System set to Metric. So, even though I was using a small number for the Margin the distance was too big.

Changing the Unit System to None did the job. I could then, as suggested, put small numbers in Sensitivity > Margin settings and in Settings > Mass. Now it works with Shape > Mesh!!
