Rigify generate rig error

hi there, trying to learn blender. i have used human metarig on a humanoid character i want to animate. everything is aligned and connected properly, no disjointed bones. however i have deleted one of the neck bones because i thought it was too many and now it doesn’t want to generate the rig.
however I’m not sure if that’s the reason why its not working

i can’t seem to figure out how to add it back and i don’t want to throw away this rig since its way too late. the error i get is "Cannot connect "spine.004" to non-chain parent rig. Incorrect armature for type 'chain_rigs'"

in tutorials i see a window which doesn’t seem accessible for me, which allows me to change the bone type for rigify or something. i assume it might be the version? i really don’t know.

thanks in advance!

Hi. The lower neck bone (spine.004) must match the upper backbone (spine.003). The bones are not connected but their head + tail must be at the same spot. Have a look here: Rigify Error Bone cannot connect chain bone. I recommend using lasso select or box select to select and move the heads/tails so they keep sticking together.

hi there the error stated in that post is not the same as mine, i have already followed these instructions before and it hasn’t fixed my problem. i wanted to make it clear that nothing is disjointed but nevermind

If I misalign spline.004 then I get exactly this error message in Blender 3.0. If I delete the upper or lower neck bone Rigify doesn’t care and just generates the rig. So I’m not sure how you broke it :wink:

Which bone have you deleted? How have you re-created it? Which Blender version do you use? To set the rig type for the bone you need to be in pose mode.

Maybe just start over? Here is a script that can copy your edited layout to a new meta rig.

I opened up a new project to test things out. If i move the neck bone so they aren’t touching anymore i get an error that says: RIGIFY ERROR: Bone 'spine.004': Cannot connect chain - bone position is disjoint. Incorrect armature for type 'chain_rigs'
which is completely different to my error.

i tried to delete some neck bones and reconnect them, and it just works. I’m not sure what I’ve done wrong with the metarig so it makes this error

here is a drive link for my blender file if you would like to play around with it :https://drive.google.com/file/d/1DmiSt7_wSB_7IZVOdG3gwsKrZ4cuZX3H/view?usp=sharing

Most obviously the head bone is missing (spine.006). I recommend adding a new meta-rig for reference (Don’t forget to upgrade the face!) and then check the differences.

Issues found:

  • head bone (spine.006) is missing
  • face bone must be a child of spine.006 (with keep offset = not connected)
  • spine must have the Rig Type = spines.basic_spine (in Pose mode) - This causes the error.
  • spine.004 (neck) should not be connected to spine.003 (backbone). Uncheck Connected in the parent relationship properties
  • the face bones are not centered, especially the mouth center is disjointed
  • the jaw_master bone must be placed diagonally in the head. It defines the pivot point for the jaw.
  • bone rolls of the centered bones should be 0, except for the nose__glue* bones.
  • something is wrong with the nose_end_glue.004 which leads to another error.

I’ve stopped here. Note that -0 is not the same as 0.

The body mesh has a hole on the underside of the chin.


I managed to fix the problem by spawning in the superhead spine and parenting all the bones in the correct way.

the rig spawned after i did all this, but the bones don’t rotate correctly, which is ok since i can easily fix that but also the left arm has some sort of permanent transform that i can’t get rid of. in the rest post, it’s ok, but in pose mode the left arm is all over the place, and clearing the transforms doesn’t do anything.

any ideas?

everything below here is what i fixed in the model, which isn’t that important but i thought i’d add it anyway:

  • for the jaw i tried to put it as a pivot point but it kept throwing errors and i just want to finish this project already :smiling_face_with_tear: so i deleted it and my problems went away

  • i managed to fix the lips, but the x axis mirror is slightly offset, i don’t know why. i tried look up how to fix the offset, but i couldn’t find the settings to change them so i just moved the model slightly to the right so it could just work but doing it by eye is not enough.

  • i fixed the centered bones rotation

  • i had no problem with the noseglue bones so i guess i got off lucky.

i figured out why it was like that. my pose view was in rest mode and i forgot i had rotated the arms on the metarig. i tried to clear the transforms but it didn’t work. so i had to end up moving the arm back into place to almost perfect and i couldn’t figure out how to fking unparent the body from the metarig. somehow i managed to do it with the clothes but not the body. i really don’t know why it is acting like this. anyway, thanks for your help. i couldn’t have done it without you

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