Rigify need help asap

HI im a high school student learning blender and i made a model for our major project, I tried to experiement by rigifying my model, it seems that it doesnt move with the armature help for i believe that it doesnt generate automatic weights. :pensive:

ask me anything if u need more info

I tried:
Merging vertices dk if i did right
remeshing the whole model dk if tshirt should be remesh with or without

pls help :frowning:

If you remesh or Merge then your weight will be destroyed… as well as parenting…

Did you check if the meta-rig was correctly parented to the mesh before adding rigify?
If not go back and select your Mesh, Check if the Scale has been applied ( Ctrl + A ) apply scale…If good… with Mesh Selected shift select Meta-Rig and Ctrl + P with automatic weights… enter pose mode…check if Meta-Rig controls the Mesh… If good, Re-add the Rigify Rig…Hide the Meta-Rig and then test the Rigify Rig…
If none of that works… Please share your Blend file so it can be diagnosed.

im using a mediafire to share u my files i did what u said still no moving so heres the file. THANK U SO MUCH minchikorig (mediafire.com)

Can you reduce the file size 200+ meg is too much to download just for testing…Just include the character and the rigging ( don’t forget the Meta-rig).

You can select just those and export as an FBX ( selected only)

This may or may not apply, but since you are just starting out with Rigify, I’ve only just uploaded a video which covers a few mistakes that many first time Rigify users tend to make.
So maybe first off, make sure you aren’t doing any of the following:


It looks like you’ve tried to parent the model a few times, as it has 3 copies of the Armature modifier on it. It’s also being parented to the metarig.

The metarig is used to create the actual rig. The created rig is the one that you should be parenting it to.

That said, the model is very high poly. That causes problems when trying to parent it with Automatic Weights.

You should probably retopologise the model to give you a more managable poly-count. Having the eyes inside the head volume in the same mesh, also confuses the auto-weighting.

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https://www.mediafire.com/file/n44q7qvlawmq972/minchikorig2.fbx/file. heres the fbx file its 50mb thanks in advance

So, it is technically possible to get this weighted, if you’re really invested in not retopologizing or need the model exactly as it is for some reason. Although, I do second what Magpie said. Retopology would probably be a good thing here, both for the lower poly count and better deformations, especially if you’re planning on animating this.

First, I removed the doubles (there were 20,000 ish), then selected just the main body by selecting one vert in the forehead and hitting CTRL L. Then (P) Seperate Selection. That separated the body from any non connected parts. Then I parented the body with autoweights. Since it’s so high poly my computer choked on it for 5+ minutes, you wait time could be more or less depending on specs. Once the body was weighted I transferred those weights to all the other parts and then parented them to the armature with Empty Groups. After all that you can rejoin the meshes if you want.

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