I made it in Blender Cycles.
I’m looking forward to criticism and suggestions.
I like the ring design, but the gold seems to have too much green in my opinion. Maybe it’s a lighting thing… are you using any kind of an HDRI ?
Lovely design, just as mentioned above the gold has a bit too much green in it, what I like the most though is the crystals, they’re magnificent.
Nice gems, but you probably need to soften the edges; it’s very “blocky”. Most real rings have a relatively flat inner side, and a semi-circular outer sider.
Right off the bat it needs more samples (way too noisy), but the ring is very cool. The reflections look OK too, it just needs to be brighter. I agree also with the material, needs to be worked on, but it’s not a total wreck. Not sure if this is default direct lighting in Cycles, but it looks like it, I would have used Full GI for sure, caustics on or off, up to you. Off will speed up your render.
Thank you
I will work on lighting and gold material.
And yes, I used the HDRI map.
I used Full Global Illumination with caustics and two more lights. I also changed a gold material a little.
I actually liked the first one more; It had an eerie sense about it. I’d love to see the node tree for the gem material though.
I liked the gems better in the first one ^^; But the gold in the second one is far superior!