Rise of the Tutors


I assume this topic has been rehashed and requested and re-everythinged before, and i don’t quite know if this is THE place to do it again, but here goes.

It seems that there are quite a few genius 3d artists using this forum. I assume many of them aren’t always native english speakers, but that most of them can at least speak a passing form of english. What I can’t understand is why they haven’t been harnassed (completely voluntarily of course {in the background a whipcrack rings out}) to pool collective experience into a single series of tutorials ranging from basics through to
more advanced capabilities. One may just take them from beginners to higher intermediate stage… since usually by the middle stage most people pick up enough “tutored impetus” to continue learning new techniques by themselves.

I would also like to suggest tutorials be structured around producing actual work. One might start a newbie tutorial around the creation of a 3d logo, tending to the basic abilities needed to produce, maybe touch on some slightly more advanced techniques and so build a tutorial “ladder” from there.

I’m a complete noob in Blender… the whole of my 3d experience was a course I did years ago on apple mac using strata studio pro. I therefore humbly submit that I am
in many ways a dinosaur trying to learn (or remember) new tricks, but a very interested dinosaur.

I know there are some nice tutes out there but they do seem a bit sporadic and very specialised.

It could very well be that I’ve missed some of the better stuff on the net, and I’m not talking about video tutorials like on youtube.

Any ideas, am I grasping at straws here or can we try and organise something?

Sorry about the length of the post, it’s a bit long.
I picked this quote out from another thread:

… I’ve watched and read hundereds of tutorials, but I find that my knowledge of blender is still extreamly lacking and I often get extreamly frustrated while using blender. I just feel like I need a teacher to help me along, but I dont even know anyone else who uses blender. I really want to be able to move on from the basic things…

I think alot of people feel this way about blender’s tutorials. They touch on the basics, and then stay there, never really getting you to a point where you can start working without them.

I’ve been digging through the internet, and I found some very interesting tutorials on modeling and texturing in Max, that I think I may be able to adapt to a better series of Blender tutorials, which is what so many people out there are looking for.

… I would also like to suggest tutorials be structured around producing actual work. One might start a newbie tutorial around the creation of a 3d logo, tending to the basic abilities needed to produce, maybe touch on some slightly more advanced techniques and so build a tutorial “ladder” from there…

Do you mean to say that you don’t want a tutorial that says:
“hey let’s make a cup!”
“Okay, now let’s make a PARACHUTE!!,”
and for the tutorials to culminate in some sort of related way ( a complete scene, for example)?

In the meantime, I have always thought that this tutorial was exemplary in it’s manner of teaching, and in the very usable end product it turns out.