Hi there! I switched to Blender last year from Modo and am enjoying it a lot. However, it was missing a lot of features (custom and native) that are essential for me to work comfortably. Now that its reasonably stable, I thought it would be nice to share it with the community.
rmKit is an addon for Blender that contains a wide variety of tools designed to streamline my personal workflow. The bulk of the tools aim to bolster Blender’s modeling and uving tools.
That being said, most cmds do not support multiple active meshes. If anything in particular needs that level of support report it as a big and I will add it to an update queue. But its hard to say when I will have time to actually do it.
I used Modo for over 10 years and the last 5 I have been using Blender. I’ve desperately, desperately wanted the work plane in Blender and I can’t believe you’ve created that among all the other tools I love so much from modo.
I just stumbled upon this thread and installed for 4.2 and when I try the work plane for example I get an instant crash?
The crash in 4.0.2 was caused by bgl lib being deprecated for move to Vulkan. I switched to use the gpu lib instead. This change still works in older versions of blender like 3.6 so I didn’t need to support two different implementations with a branch on version.
The only ops that could get meaningful deselect support would be edge loop/ring selection. I wrote those for modo but I dont think I ever used them. So I didnt bother writing them when I switched to blender.
About the context based edge/face deselection, do you mean the background selection? Please elaborate.
I have an extensions draft already set up. But I haven’t read enough to know exactly how much additional work I would be signing up for if I published on extensions. Keeping the documentation up to date is already a massive pain.
I mean to be able to deslect like seen in the video so CTRL click in facemode deselects linked faces and CTRL click in edge mode deselects edge loop.
I did a quick script for it myself
# Get the selected objects
selected_objects = bpy.context.selected_objects
context = bpy.context
ts = context.scene.tool_settings
active = context.active_object
if active and context.mode == 'EDIT_MESH':
if tuple(ts.mesh_select_mode) == (False, True, False):
bpy.ops.mesh.loop_select('INVOKE_DEFAULT', deselect=True)
elif tuple(ts.mesh_select_mode) == (False, False, True):
bpy.ops.mesh.select_linked_pick('INVOKE_DEFAULT', deselect=True)
After having uploaded 5 addons on the Extension so far, I can say that they are not that strict at all, as long as there are not some quit obviuse problemse with the add-on. I do not think the documation will be a problem