robo WIP

lol xDits ok, i thought so at first too :stuck_out_tongue:

oh cool thanks richard! ill take a look at that. the hands i made have a sort of 3pronged claw vibe to them… nvm the ARE 3 pronged claws. lol

here he is with his hands/claws. this is probably all that im gonna do. (this has to be done and rendered within the week) i think its pretty good for the time i had


wow, thats really good, mind drawing up a word document tutorial for me on how to get the robot feel to it??

well… i cant really describe how to make things look roboty. just make sure everything you put on it has a purpose. and DRAW. i was only able to come up with this because i drew it out a bunch of times during class(the boring ones) the more you draw the better you get in blender. or that was the case with me

all right, ill do that and see if it helps me, im pretty good at drawing, i just never thought to use it to place my ideas…thanks :D, and good robot! i wish you would upload it to Blendswap with a cc copyright so i could animate it and stuff :stuck_out_tongue:
hint hint wink wink

Wow I love it. I have been trying to make a decent robot forever but never could so this makes me envious lol. How long have you been working i blender and how did you learn? Can you suggest any good tutorials that show how to make some of those interesting shapes?

Nice work! Please excuse me if I’m making the wrong assumption here, but too me, the materials and textures look too like plastic. I’m of course assuming that you don’t want it to look plasticky.

ive been workin in blender for about 3 years in my spare time after school. i havent really taken much tutorials… i just kept makin stuff. practice. lol thats all i can say. oh and draw. dunno why that helps but it does. ive gotten a lot better since ive taken art classes

yeah… but i dont have enough time to render something with raytracing on all the materials… D:

heres the final FINAL (lol)


You may have said but what are you using to render?

just blender internal. ;D

Very nice robot.i feel like making a robot every time i see someone making one.i guess i will never finish that exoskeleton suit.

just keep tryin. even if you dont like what comes out of it you still get better by just doing it.