I’m working on my first serious model for Blender after taking many tutorials and learning the basics.
So far its going pretty good and heres what it looks like at the moment:
Can someone tell me how to split a mesh, duplicate it, join it, and make it so any changes I make on one side occur on the other side. I’m having a lot of trouble making the antenaes exactly the same. (hence there reason there is only one) I remember seeing this in a tutorial, but I can’t remember how to do it or where the tutorial is.
I’d also like some suggestions on how I can make this model look better. I’m hoping suggestions and advice will help me improve a bit, and help me learn more about Blender’s functions.
looking really good for youre first serious model!!! very impressed. another tip for the mirrored side.
do these steps as piovasco said:
select your mesh
edit mode
select vertex of one of two ideal parts
press x and delete vertex
but then in object mode duplicate the side using ALT+D. then mirror this side using CTRL+M. u’ll have to mirror a few times to find the correct axis. this way if you edit the one mesh the other will be edited realtime as well. when finished modelling tho you’ll have to join them and remove doubles.
Alright, I got the basic shape of the model done. I still need to figure out what to do with its hands. I’m also going to be adding more details around that head and main body as well.
Just want some suggestions on what I can change, or make better.
Also, for when I actually start adding materials and textures, How do I make glowing effects? I plan on making the red area on the head glow, like its actually turned on. Same goes for the screen. But I have no idea how to do that.