Rocket (Guardians of the Galaxy) fanart

I absolutely love the Guardians of the Galaxy films and Rocket has to be one of the best CGI characters ever.

I wanted to produce a relatively faithful fan art piece and also try and learn a bit about hair and fur in Blender. I’ve only done some minor hair stuff before. I ended up modelling quite a bit of this in Blender. The original sculpt was done in ZB but I did a lot of work in the head in Blender afterwards. Weapon and armour pieces modelling in Blender. The fur has quite a few particle systems (10+ for the head).

I had a blast working on this. The original character brought to life by the fantastic people at Framestore is a masterpiece. It was daunting but fun trying to reproduce a character built by a team of top-level professionals.

The gun is (loosely) based on a concept by Maciej Kuciara.



While not all of the shaders could be seen as a perfect match, I do think you got pretty close on the fur as well as nailing the pose.

The vest is also pretty good, a good piece overall.

Thanks. It is quite difficult when you’re trying to replicate a character that really had a team of people work on it. You feel that it never looks good enough. I’m pretty happy with how the fur turned out. It did take a million renders though, the first iterations were… scary.

I would do a few things differently if I started from scratch now but I think that’s always the case.

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Here’s a better quality 360 turnaround:

yes, this is why this one should be featured :wink:

Thanks for the eye pleasure ! as i think we all love this grumbling racoon x))

Happy blending !

You’re on the #featured row! :+1:

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Thank you, I guess there’s a first for everything. :slight_smile:

I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend :slight_smile: