I’ve started experimenting with the photogrammetry. Photos were taken by phone. For this rock i take ~150 pictures So, here is the result.
Specification of the camera in my phone: 8mpx, 3264x2448 px.
Blender Cycles+Filmic+Gimp
1500 samples
@tomiv87 For reconstruction I used VisualSFM for creation a mesh I used MeshLab. Also in MeshLab you can automaticly make a texture for model and I did it for my first stone.
With the second rock I had a few problems.
I wanted to have full scan, so I took the photos from each site of the rock. To do it I had to rotate the stone manually, so when I placed the photos in VisualSFM I received a lot of artifacts(useless verticles). I removed them in MeshLab and create a polygonal mesh also in MeshLab. Next step was to clean the topology in Blender. I deleted unnecessary verts and I filled holes. In sculp mode I polished surfaces, which should be flat. Unfortunately texture generated by the MeshLab was wery bad (because I have bad quality photos, defocused etc.), so I paint the new texture in Blender by using the stencil paint mode.
tl;dr: 1. I used VisualSFM and MeshLab.
Some tutorials:
2. The topology after the reconstruction, in my case was bad. It’s requires some repairs, or retopology.
3. Its good to have a good quality photos, and avoid the shadows and reflections on the object when you take a pictures.
4. You can achieve better results when you make photos around of the static object.
Like I said before, I wanted to have 360 degree scan so, that’s why I was turning the stone.
@fxg Thanks! Final model has 45 596 faces, 34 048 verts. So a lot.
But it can be easily fixed. To reduce number of the verts can use a remesh modifier, and bake the textures from the high poly mesh to the low poly mesh. I was trying this method, but I had problems with the diffuce color texture, and I was too lazy to repaint it.
Render time is 1 minute 10 second on GTX 660 Ti in 720p.