If you don’t mind, please share some context and commentary with your post. Coming by with a linkbomb doesn’t give people any reason to actually click and look.
I’ll remember that, in the future. I’ll make some changes to the title.
well i was happy with those links, i think it was clear from the title
Thanks Razorblade, just trying to be helpful. I just found this new link.
Here is another one with some info about K2SO.
Perhaps the most interesting bit in here for an old-time elysiun-then-blenderartists user is the guy being interviewed: Landis Fields. The name rang a bell immediately and given his career, I’m pretty sure that’s Landis from this very forum (circa 2004).
We are working on Rogue One at Hybride for somes shots and here is a link of a interview with our VFX Supervisor , Joseph Kasparian:
Pyroevil, congratulations on your work, on Rogue One and thank you for your contributions to Blender.
creating jedha and scarif.
creating the space battle.
John Knoll, studiodaily.
Using Unreal Engine 4 to render K2SO.
I remember him, he was learning Blender on his Laptop while doing service. looks like he has made his way:) he even has his Airman on his homepage