Roll up animation - cloth

Hi there,

Trying to make a LED strip animation that the strip reel around a pulley in Blender 2.90
Found that cloth simulation suits for this purpose well but after few frames, strip spreads out of pulley, can not make a fine coiling. Can anyone help?

hello, maybe share your file so that we can test and find why it doesn’t work:

Thank you so much!
here the file is uploaded;

you will see once animation goes beyond 100th frame, strip cracks up, not coiling straightly.

it always seems to slide sideways towards the end, maybe a cloth specialist will be able to fix it, another way would be to fake it with a curve modifier, but do you absolutely want to use physics?

thanks for support.
Actually I’m just looking for the best/easiest way to do it… either via cloth modifier or sth else

So what you could do is:

Enable the Add Curve : Extra Object addon, add a Curve > Curve Spirals > Archemedian, in the settings, play with the Turns, Radius Growth and Radius values, put the curve it on the cylinder, apply the rotation:

Display the normals to make sure that the direction is good, if it’s not the case right click > Switch Direction:

Extrude a bit the starting tip:


Create a plane, give it an Array and a Curve modifier, put it at the exact same position as the curve, move it so that it doesn’t coil for the moment:

Create some keyframe in order to animate the reel, the cylinder, also keyframe the scale of the spiral so that the reel pile on itself:


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thank you so much. the way you suggested is worked.
I am here adding the blend file as a reference for whom may stuck at the same point.
Curve modifier works as a charm.

great then, it needs a bit of improvement but it was just a quick explanation :wink: