I need help. I can’t figure out how to model this. I can get the shape, but where it goes into a triangle with the metal lowes. How can I do this? i tried an array with a 6 sided cylnder and it didnt look right. it look like rafters.
add a cone, and then make it look like this bu subdivide edges.
select these edges as shown above, and bevel the edges,
then extrude,
delete the other 3 panels, copy this panel and rotate for 3 times
add another cone, then cut, extrude … copy , rotate
Anybody know how I can get this affect? what really messes me up is when I hit the triangle section when I use a plan. should I just do a triangle extrude inn word and then add cylinders?
also, I thought the array saves on polys? when I do it my poly still raise up. I tried the decimate but only helps a little. this is when I make wooden planks. 30 planks with only using the displace modifiers from crazy bump is the only modifiers I use.
You’re all over the place.
Why you need another thread when you’ve already asked a question like that and got an answer? If you need more information, ask there.
How you model it depends on the model requirements, but if the only issue is to cut a triangle, you can subdivide it as suggested in your previous answer. Here’s the subdivision with more detail:
From left:
- Starting with a triangle
- Select bottom edge, W -> subdivide
- Vertex select mode (ctrl+tab), select top and bottom vertices, J to connect them, making two triangles
- Edge select mode, select outer edges but not the newly created middle one, W -> subdivide. Bottom of the tool shelf (T) or F6 to increase amount of cuts if needed.
Here are couple other ways to cut a triangle.
I’ve checked many threads you’ve asked about the planks and none of them say array would save polys, so not sure why you think it would. No, array modifier works in object data level (like mesh), it doesn’t array objects. If you have 2 polygons in your mesh, array with the count of 3 results in 6 total polygons (unless you set it to merge some of it).
Procedural duplication, linked libraries and particle system uses instancing which saves polygons http://wiki.blender.org/index.php/Doc:2.6/Manual/Modeling/Objects/Duplication#Procedural_Duplication
In previous threads you seem to avoid posting screenshots of what is going on. I’m assuming you have a heavy file so I’m not going to suggest to post a .blend, which would have to be trimmed down for upload.
Show your mesh, modifiers with screenshots and solve the mystery. If you don’t know how, ask.
Crazy bump doesn’t produce Blender modifiers. Blender has a displace modifier and you would use a displace texture with it. For it to work, you would need a lot of geometry because displacement moves the actual vertices.
Normal map and bump map only make an illusion of an uneven surface.
Edit: you can take a screenshot in Blender by pressing ctrl+F3. It then asks you to where and how to save it
thank you. newbie here. it looks easy but I just couldnt figure i tout. I thank you for your time and showing me as well. really appreciate it.