Hey I’m having this major problem with my root bone. When I rotate it at all the rest of the rig does not fallow right. I can grab it and move it and it works great. I don’t know what i should do to fix this. :spin:
The third image shows you didn’t rotate the root bone at all. It”s still pointing forward. What did you grab to rotate the upper body?
Well I rotated the root bone on the Z axis. You can see on the second image the X axis line goes to the left and right and the root bone is straight but in the third image the root is on the X axis line. That’s what I did in the third image.
- You may have inherit rotation turned off somewhere in the rig. Not a great idea.
- your eye target appears not to be a child of anything.
Just not enough info to be had from screenshots! With the blend posted we could figure this out in seconds. Have you used any constraints in your rig, like copy loc or copy tran?
Here is the blend file. The rig I made was from this video http://cgcookie.com/blender/2011/12/12/blender-introduction-to-character-rigging/
Gavin_Armature:Spine.01 and Gavin_Armature:neck bones had inherit rotation turned off. I believe that turning this on for these two bones will immediately fix your problem, but I turned them all on for good measure, including the hand bones did you have some special reason for turning those off? You should really go up and down all the bones and turn inherit rotation back on for all of them. Good luck!
Also your eye target was not parented to the root…
Thank you so much! I had no idea how to fix it thanks again!
I have found a new problem. The reason i had inherit rotation off on the bones was so that the Hips_root would work correctly (Hips_root is used for swinging the hips.) So any ideas on how I can fix that and still have the root bone work?
Here is the .blend file again
Gavin.blend (1.93 MB)
The problem is your IK setup. That’s not how you set pole targets, there’s a separate field in your IK constraint to designate them. The knee targets were badly damaged and I had to delete the bones and make new ones rather than try to figure out why they were winking on and off when being moved and why their location was sort of unspecified and invisible etc. Better to just make new ones.
Once that was done the extra hip bone was unnecessary so that’s gone too, and the hip bone has been flipped to rotate from the proper point. Also no reason I can see to use the child of constraint on the targets - just parent them to the root bone.
The copy rotation constraint on the head was also unnecessary since it just doubles the rotation if the target is also the parent.
Please note too that I have bent the legs and arms slightly in edit mode to ‘hint’ to the IK solver which direction the joint should bend to resolve glitches. You should not try to remove this bend!
In the bone properties there is an IK tab for each bone in an IK chain you can specify the rotation limits and locks. Use this instead of limit rotation constraints which won’t work for IK because IK is evaluated last no matter what AFAIK.
Good luck!
Gavinfix.zip (359 KB)
Thank you so much for taking the time to do this for me! There was some other bugs but I fixed them and the reason why I set the IKs like that is because I followed this tutorial [ http://cgcookie.com/blender/2011/12/12/blender-introduction-to-character-rigging/ ] Thanks again it means a lot.