Rope Bridge Environment

Rendered In Blender Cycles.
Used addons- Polygoniq (rock and foliage), Ivygen (ivy)

Used Assrts-
“Bridge” ( by atillakurt is licensed under CC Attribution
“Ellie Bella Girl” ( by 3D Stuff is licensed under CC Attribution
“White Throated Dipper” ( by Virtual Museums of Malopolska is licensed under CC Attribution

Clay Render

Before Post Processing

For detailed Breakdown and Workflow Explanation please refer to -


Nice work.

She should mind the gap, though. :face_with_peeking_eye:

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A little bit of update.

The reference image -

And the breakdown video


I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!

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thank you for the breakdown video (How to make CINEMATIC ENVIRONMENT in Blender). I found that very informative and helpful. :slight_smile:

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