I see, But the idea was make the knees a little bending, and the cloth look like “loose”, in your correction the model is more like “stand up”.
But anyway was just a quick pose to see the “cloth bending” the rig was made with quick and dirty way, i’m not sure if I’ll use that pose for the final scene.
i made him stand up more,because the bent knees pose didn’t make sense to me,unless he has two guns like a cowboy.
if he is shocked or suprised,or hesistant,perhaps n his upper body too stiff?. (from this angle)
so maybe you can tell me,what is the pose? what is he supposed to be doing?
but the main thing was the proportions…
Actually this pose does not mean much, I think I got used with this pose after playing the PC game with him and he looks like that almost all the time.
My reference for the final scene would be something like this: http://images3.alphacoders.com/911/91189.jpg
I didn,t like the game very much,(As fan of the HQ, this game is an atrocity hehe.) But at least it has good visuals. And the character looks great.
If you agree that the knees are too low,that was my main criticism.The pose is just opinion,i still think it looks odd,even in the game.
Looking forward to your new final pose.
Maybe (Bad) design choise, I don’t know, but the model was really needing some improvements, I correct some of the proportions. Later I’ll post another pose version, this model was done in quick and dirty way, I’m really have to focus on silhouette and proportions on the beggining beacuse after the retopo the mesh getting too complex to fix some areas.
Btw I’ll give the model for free via BlendSwap, so anyone feal free to reshape some areas.
ng-material - you really know the human form.
if you are a fighter or even had any training in the arts you will know
that both bent knees is the correct position.
(look at any style, from Sumo to Shaolin Kung Fu, Boxing, Collegiate Wresting(Standup),
the Classic Horse Stance seen in various martial arts, etc… )
You are misunderstanding,I am saying the knees are bending in the wrong place,so it looks odd.I am not saying it is not done.I mentioned cowboys duelists take this stance.In this case I felt it wasn’t pushed enough to make sense pictorially.Sometimes things need to be exaggerated .I feel this is the case for this image.For example,this can be done obviously http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_2-51K9qDJBY/TUcUtt4i3oI/AAAAAAAAA5w/SunsQ2HTmDs/s1600/shaolin+kung+fu+monks+-13.jpg but in a piece artwork it will look weird haha.
my knowledge of fighting is limited, but the fight stance I have seen they always seem to have balance,and not equally spread out (maybe its the angle of the image).Otherwise you would be pushed over easily.Even sumo wrestlers adjust their weight during the fight.
anyway ikari knows what i mean,as he mentions silhouette,readability is important in an image.
The bending knees is not wrong, The problem is that my character has a skater pants with a little low knees, but that pose was my choise because of the fighting style of the character in the game. And to see how the cloth wrinkles I’ll bending with a simple rig, the mesh deform cage is a little inaccurate as well.
In that front pose is not that noticeable the mistakes, and as I said the model is finished with textures, thats why I posted in here, but the scene is not, so I’ll still improve it. Is just a test render.
Cheers guys =]
PS: I’ll post that model in Blendswap today I think, only the model with Normal and displacement maps.
Maybe the best chacacter render in cycles i have seen so far
Can you show me a wired render?
Wow, great model !!
If you allow me to ask, which is the resolution of the normal maps ?? And the poly count ?
And just one last, how could you model something like that ?? Did you use cloth simulator or put everything from scratch ??
Sorry for all the question, it’s just that model a caracter still scare me a little :S
Oh thank you, I use 4k resolution for the normal maps, and color maps, but not everything, the polycount I think is around 1 million of vertices.
I start searching for references photos of cloth and some other version of the character (if have one) or even another 3D characters to see how the wrinkles and Folds are done, then I use Blender for sculpt some big areas and Zbrush for some areas with need high resolution, finally I export some geometry back via Obj to Blender then I make the retopo mesh. Textures is all photoshop and Blender work in most cases.
Here the T-pose version.
I missed the hi definition render. Very impressive work!
Still waiting cycles to have the ability to bake on UV textures. This will be a great assist for your artwork.
Yep, and full normal map and SSS support. =]
full normal map and SSS support… this is for rendering in cycles. I’m afraid that we’ll wait for long time…
The baking capabilities are for exporting to other renderers, game engines and compositing nice textures.
Cycles nodes are sometimes better than using layers in painting rooms.
Yes, I use a lot of “vertex paint AO” and Raytracing AO for dirt maps, right now I’ll continuing using BI and try to get the best out of it, the render time for reflections and Raytrace shadows is a little bit slow but for now is working for me.
I liked the tiling rendering mode of Cycles. I think for the next project I will use it for reflections via CPU mode.
Thanks for the answers !! Again it’s very impressive your model, im gonna try to start model some characters, of course not like your one but something at least decent (That means a five years old kid level :p), keep the good work
Hi guys, I made an scene woth the model this week check out… Hope you guys like it.
I always like the 1940’s detective looking characters.