rotate a bones axis

How can I rotate the axis of a bone?

As an example, I have the z axis pointing up to the left, but I want it to point straight up without roatating the bone.

Can I do that?



Your question in ambiguous to me. Could you refine the question?

Among the answers which I can provide are:
The y-axis of a bone always lies along the length of a bone.You can rotate the bone around any axis you desire. To rotate the bone around any axis select the bone, press “R” plus the axis-name x, y, or z. Once for a local rotation and twice for global.

In your case, you would select the bone and press “RY” to rotate the bone around the y-axis.

If none of the above help, you can always select the bone, delete it (“X” key), and re-create it to your specifications.


well it’s something you can do in maya - you can change the orientation of a bone without actually rotating the bone itself, I was just wondering if this was possible in blender. Now that I think about it though its actually quiet an annoying thing to do in maya, probably just as well blender works differently :slight_smile:

Doesn’t really matter I was just curious as a one of thing I’m trying to do.


in edit mode, select the bone you want to rotate and press N, then play with the values in the Roll entry.

Oh right - that’s quiet helpful actually could be the one, thanks!


Does the Y-axis of a bone ALWAYS lie along the length of a bone??

The N-key is just what I was looking for, but I need to change the Y-axis too… =[

Any1 got an idea?
