rotate a mirror modifier? possible? To mirror an object in 45°

Hi there
is there a way in Blender to mirror an object and rotate it in one step? I bet there is. For example if I want mirror an stucco edge arround an 45° corner. I will attach an image to show what I mean. Hope that makes sense. In 3dMax I would use an symetry modifier (I guess its the mirror mod in blender) and rotate the gizmo 45°. After that I could check “weld vert´s”

How could I do this in blender? Any idea?
Thanks in advance



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There is probably a faster way but this is how i would do it.

1.Mirror the object along the origin, (edit mode, make sure scale and rotation is applied) select everything, change selection to active element, select everything and set the vertex at the bottom as the active.

2.Rotate the object by 45 degrees in edit mode around the active element (bottom vertex)

3.Use the knife tool and cut from the bottom vertex (the active one) upwards, snap the knife tool with “C” key to cut in a straight line, if your object has thickness then you will need to toggle cut though “Z” key to cut all the way though the object.

4.Delete the leftover vertices on the other side.


Rotation values are doubled, so 45 actual degrees will be 22.5.

uh, sorry. Forgot to reply. THANKS A LOT for your help. first reply is the “manual” way, but worked. Thanks a lot.

I think I’ve got the same question - I want to delete the selected faces

but the mirror modifier doesn’t appear to have any way to rotate, so if I enable X or Y on the right, I just get closer to a cube:

@iceythe, if

happens to explain how to enable want I want, would you explain how? - I don’t quite understand what I’m looking at there. looks like it might explain too, but that definitely goes over my head.

The stack exchange thread is correct.
To use a mirror axis that is not X,Y or Z you need to difine that axis with another object’s rotation.

The easiest way is to use an empty.
Add menu - empty (in object mode)

Here I have a cube cut diagonally, and I have added an empty (in the center), I used an empty with arrows so you can see the axis’s.

Now you can use a mirror modifier and select the empty as the mirror object as shown.

Now when you rotate the empty it’s rotation defines the mirror axis. In my case I rotated the empty 45º on the Z axis. (I set to wire frame so you can see the empty inside)

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Thank you, @DNorman - that looks perfect.

Yeah, almost got me. Thanks for specifying.

However, what kind of empty do you refer to? I’m provided with a list of meshes and some arrows in its submenu.

You can use any of them but the first one “plain axis” will work fine see the x y z axis’s.

It does not have to be necessarily an empty, you can use any object as the mirror object, but in your case an empty is probably best.

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@DNorman, thank you, so much.

@Hilmar, if their answer answers your question too, I suggest that you mark it as the Solution.