Rotate bending axis


Isnt it possible to rotate the bending axis of the SimpleDeformer?
If not, what else could i do to deform a plane?


I added an “empty” and changed the origin to empty. But it still wont work. Dont know… BUT it should be easy when i only knew how to rotate the Modifier.

Ok i found a solution, here it is in case someone else is looking for it:
(for whatever reason) rotate the plane over the say x axis, then “apply” roation (strg + a), done.

Did i made something wrong or is that “normal”?

To change the rotation. say from forward to Back, for instance, add the Empty at the origin point of the Plane…set it as the origin point in the modifier.

Bend the Plane, 90 degrees… the top and bottom of the Plane should bend toward the screen… ( make sure the Plane has enough subdivision to allow it to bend…)

Now select the empty, and rotate on the Z axis 180 degrees, the Bend will rotate away from the screen…

You will have to determine what combinations of the Bend axis and Empty axis to change in any given situation

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