Rotating objects with empty whilst keeping them upright

Hello, I would like to be able to parent these cubes to the empty. I would then like to be able to rotate the empty around the x-axis so the cubes move in relation to the empty in the form of a circle. However, I want to cubes to stay upright whilst doing this. Is there a way for me to do this?

Thank you in advance

Hello and welcome!

I don’t know if it’s a good way to do this, but you can add Limit Rotation constraint to cubes (in Object Constraint Properties). Limit Y should do it.


Hi! Thank you it did work! Although it is the x-axis that needs to be limited. I thought I tried that but apparantly I didn’t.

Have a nice day!

Or right, I messed up my rotations :sweat_smile:
Good luck and have fun!

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You could also use a copy rotation constraint on them set to the main cube