Hey you mighty blenders,
I am struggling with a character that i rigged in Blender and then export to Unreal.
I have rotation errors when importing my animations from blender to Unreal. The animation is not completely wrong but some bones will flip and twitch very noticeably.
My first war a gimbal problem, however, wouldn’t there also be a gimbal in my blender animation?
I have tried to change the rotation orders
I have tried to change deformation bone parenting
But rotation errors persist when i import the rig.
What I would really like is a somewhere where I can read about the proper conventions for working between UE4 and Blender, I know a lot of add-ons are on the way but I would like to understand this and a node in the right direction would be hugely appreciated.
Cheers.MarcusBase_008.blend (3.9 MB)