I’ve modeled a golf cart and now am getting ready to animate. But I have a problem… if you look at the screen grab you can easily see my problem. I need to rotate the steering wheel, but because it is on this angle, neither X, Y, or Z rotation works like I need it to… I’ve tried to change every transform orientation… view, global, local, normal ect… But nothing works. Possibly my problem is when modeling, I positioned the round portion of the steering wheel and the steering column…and then applied rotation and scale.
So how can I get this steering wheel to turn properly for animation?
Animate the wheel turning when it’s not at an angle.
Add an empty at the centre of the wheel
Parent the wheel to the empty
Rotate the empty to the desired angle for your wheel
Alternatively instead on an empty use the steering wheel prop when its either vertical or horizontal and then rotate it with the wheel parented to it
Thanks Richard… So you saying for each scene I want to drive this cart around… For every turn, I have to completely reorientate the wheel (or the column)… rotate it, than reorientate it back to the proper angle in order to make it turn correctly? Geeze, that seems really strange. I was hoping maybe that maybe something with the euler settings would adjust the normal direction or something.
For every turn, I have to completely reorientate the wheel (or the column)… rotate it, than reorientate it back to the proper angle in order to make it turn correctly?
When you parent an object, the childs world is now relative to the parent. If the parent is at an angle, the child is not aware of this