Rotation value of a bone?

Hello, I am transitioning from Maya to Blender. Is there a channel box in Blender, where I can select a bone and see the X,Y,Z rotation values of a selected bone or spline control?

Thank you

For a bone or object, yes, although the XYZ values depend on how you measure it, and Blender will only show you measurements in the transform mode used for that thing’s keyframes:

This bone’s transform mode is an XYZ Euler, so we’re seeing XYZ Euler values. (In local space-- always in local space.) They’re shown two places: on the sidebar and on the property window.

An object will be similar, except you’ll be looking on the object tab of the properties viewport rather than the bone tab.

For a spline, no. The angle of any control-- the tangent of the spline-- is determined from the handles of the control, which do not have to be aligned; even when they are, Blender keeps track of the tangent by their position, not their angle.

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Thank you very much, Bandages.