Roughness Texture

Hi forum.

is the rough map also called Gloss or Reflective? I downloaded PBR materials, and the roughness map is missing. I also downloaded Materialise software where you can fix up maps, and there isnt a panel to make roughness map.

Thank you.

The more roughness value, the less reflection you have.

Gloss maps are basically the inverse of roughness maps, where black is matte, and white is highly reflective. In theory, you could just invert the image in whatever editor you use, and a get a workable roughness map out of it.

…the key phrase there being in theory. Your mileage on the results may vary.

Hey guys, thanks for your replies. This is what was included in the zip file. Is there a reason why the rough map wasn’t included? I thought I was essential. I was following a tutorial and the instructor uses the rough map, so when I went to my folder it looks like its the only one missing.

As @Renzatic said, you can invert the GLOSS and plug it to Rougness, non-color.

If you think that the Gloss is not intense enough you can add a ColorRamp for example

Isn’t the REFL map essentially the roughness map? Given the dark grey colour it is, it would give a satin type reflective sheen if plugged into a gloss shader roughness slot - which would be consistent with wood.

The one marked “GLOSS”, looks off white and to me looks more like it is meant for the glossy colour slot, rather than being the inverse of glossy roughness.

The REFL image is constant, so it should be the specular value.

We always invert the gloss to use it as a roughness map.

Gloss can have custom color, not just white. Try the Glossy BSDF node for example.

Cycles materials dont have a specular value though. Specular is a parameter specific to older rendering engines like BI.

The Cycles glossy node only has glossy colour and roughness.

Maybe - but that doesn’t mean it’s the correct thing to do. It depends what the gloss map actually is (see below).

I know that - hence why I suggested the gloss map in that pack was for Glossy colour - it may be my monitor, but it looks off-white to me, which suggests it’s not a simple grey scale image used for driving a single value parameter like roughness and could instead be a custom off-white gloss colour.

The REFL map however looks to be a dark-medium grey, which would be consistent with a moderate value of roughness (i.e. a satin type sheen on wood).

If we get a material from Quixel, it does the same thing for specular workflow. A constant image for specular, and to invert glossy map for roughness. Quixel Megascan is a realistic material platform so Cycles is expected.

For metalness workflow, we have a rougness map instead, and use it directly without a glossy map.