RR Velar

You really think i would ask it if it was not there? Go check his behance then :wink:
Second he bought this model, go check the names…

Hm I checked the images pretty decent work. Max Meshsmooth must work different than simple Blender sub-D because how well it smoothed the low res mesh while not showing typical surface pinching of Sub-D. That threw me off at first!

This is sofar the best poly model then I have to say - I build cars / products with Alias Automotive and it looked like it

Perhaps this is a line view you can do just like in blender. Just like this image of my Shelby Cobra, though my image has some triangle i need to fix.

I also think that jeep is a poly by poly or box model.


I missed that! Thanks for the heads up- I saw the link and missed that he got the model from his friend!
Either way it is a great model to learn from

He didnt make it easy to find thats for sure- Michal would have made it much easier to generate sales by posting a link to the cgtrader link directly.

You have to scroll down to the project description on the Velar page.

@Ckuhnen: Yeah a lot of care went into the poly placement on this file. Looks like its a combination of sufficient density to capture that detail and the minimal number of polys placed correctly to subdivide without pinching- It seems like a somehat different approach for creating some of these fading creases and subtle surface transitions- lot of things to learn for picking apart the model.

Plus he picked some good shots to show off the model and a great node setup for his shaders- that I havent seen in the model. Its not all equally detailed-The interior is rudimentary for instance


@Parel, DId you bought the model that you got these shots?

Its seem like just regular suport loops to make proper sharp edges. Then you make sure you add enough support edges in between. The key is to make the spacing as equal as possible. I got a link somewhere of a quy showing excellent stuff about car modeling. Ill see if i can find this and post it here.

okay that was a quick one :slight_smile:

check out these links, this site has great tips

Especially the last 3 are really good to read. The last link is excellent for checking edge flows in you models by using some wicked HDR image.

PS they also have a great PDF about “spline modeling” https://static1.squarespace.com/static/586b5c5b29687fbf8b601a98/t/58750e6ec534a5a7f1b80ec4/1484066459362/Making+Of+S600.pdf


They explain their process well.

It would be still good if someone came up with topology guides for sculpted hard surface which is a different beast than either mechanical forms (eg military items where reflections are not as important) and full organic models. So any good poly examples of hard surfaces with good SubD topo would be great to review.
@rombout- thanks for the links- it is good to look at how to get to clean reflective surfaces with fading creases and complex intersections. Everyone seems to have a different method- manual modeling or filling in patches like ebal or shrink-wrapping over simpler surfaces. It is a very interesting topic of exploration.

Check this thread at Polycount its about 160 pages of questions and solutions how to model “specific” shapes. I often go there to see and how they come up with solutions. Its started in 2008 i just noticed and is still going strong :slight_smile:

There are tons of great tips and solutions with might help you. They are so many tuts about hard surface and organic modeling.