Hi, this looks great. The metallic paint looks really effective, looks the same as my car (the paint colour, not the car!). How did u get that fleck affect? Pete.
@badbunny Thank you! I am blending between a couple of materials using a voronoi texture and utilizing the fresnel node. I will be releasing the materials in an upcoming tutorial series. Just need to find the time ti finalize it
@APEC Thank you! I am creating all the bumps and grooves using noise and mushgrave textures, then i use stuff like the geometry node and the AO to create procedural masks for the side (were i don’t want the material to be as rough) and the actual contact area of the tire big node tree to make the tires procedural
@IMRB Thank you! Well cycles cant handle caustic like that so they are made in post
i use this great package https://gumroad.com/l/qxQcv?fbclid=IwAR3NvglhR3VOyOi4K2o-S__N2bBzY5y8R9UpxdDY7o3QOq_s49SEpmJx2eo (ONLY 1$?!?!?!?) to create caustic for my automotive cgi, but i am testing some stuff out in render engines that can handle caustics better (like luxcore) i basically transform them into place and use screen as blending mode and adjust em with to fit the scene
And a huge thank you for all the support from you guys! I love the feedback!