RTS Sprites

Well, the title says it all. This is a collection of real time strategy sprites I’ve made. These have all had their roots in my sketchbook for an art class I’m taking at the moment. The human model is fully rigged and ready for animation, although I think I somehow lost the IK in transit somewhere. Either way, everything is extremely low-poly, the human being 600 polys untriangulated. Most of the vehicles are a bit less. No texture maps yet, although most of them are UV unwrapped. A few of their meshes were edited after I unwrapped them to add some finishing touches, so don’t go and texture map them right away. Don’t mind the pink, it’s a nice contrasting color and real men wear pink. :RocknRoll: Anyway, they say a picture is worth a thousand words, so here you go:

Human Front View:

Human 3D View:




And Blend FIle: http://www.4shared.com/file/lRSKGk1B/TDSSprites.html

P.S. This really is made by me Mr. James

Are they really that bad? 92 views and no replies lol. I know the screenshots are pro, with the cursors in every one, but you’ve gotta see past that and just look at the models =) I’ve got a walker and a chopper made and colored, just not yet uploaded.

Of course not!
They’re good models, a nice poly count with minimal loss of detail geometry.
I believe you should understand that the resource forum see’s fewer users, but it’s dedicated, and that’s what counts.
Wait, and you shall see some activity.

I love these. Good work. Whats the game going to be like?

I even like the pink =X

Lol, call me an epicdreamer but I really want to release an RTS for Android tablets. Something along the line of HALO Wars, but that looks better then N.O.V.A. 2 HD. Just bought an ASUS TFT100 Transformer, and it’s the best decision I’ve ever made. Basically no 3d programming skill though. Thinking of taking off the .blend file so I can sell the game lol.


The above symbol represents a bump.