Rule based assignment editor

I wanted to share with you an addon I’ve been working on. This addon automaticaly assigns shaders, subdivision, visibility to objects, based on their pre-defined rules. The idea is to make working in a pipeline or larger projects more automated, basically how it’s been done in every studio I worked so far.

The workflow would be, that you have a scene, in which you lookdev the model and assign shaders and attributes via this new editor. Then on a fresh scene, you can bring in the model for example as a cached anim (let’s say animation department published an animated cache). Then you just append the nodeTree from the lookdev scene. This automatically brings in the shaders, and assigns them to the corresponding objects, as well as any visibility and subdivision attributes.
Of course this workflow requires an organized workflow.

This is my first blender code/addon really, and I’m generally not very experienced in this area, so don’t expect too much. Muting a node, reroute and all this fancy stuff, doesn’t work, since I simply don’t know how to, ha. So if anybody out there is interested in helping me out, to make this code more professional and more efficient, I’m all ears :wink:



I updated the script to have options for curve resolution in it… It’s a minor update really, but could be useful.
I would love to know about your input, what else could be put in there…
