Running Man , a Character Study - [ UPDATED ] !! :)

Hey…I made a character that is only built by blocks or cubes,
and I made him for future studies of character animation,
how real, cartoon and human like it would be possible for me to

btw, for the curious one, I only used FK, not IKA-solving this time !

here is a study of it running, 2 movies from 2 different views,
hope you like it, enjoy:

Cool stuff. 8)

Keep on working with it…

I made a blended view movie also:

Hey thats good 8)
the only thing is the way the arms move…
maybe a little more lift, to balance the run cycle


heh… quite good… it looks like it VERY tired though… the last meters of marathon… heh.


nice cycle, like the blended effect in the change over.


i already told u that in #blenderchat, but…
really good ztonzy, i really like the movement.

His arms and legs seem to move at the wrong time in relation to each other. When his left leg takes a step forward, his right arm should move forward too with him twisting his body a bit. Now he moves his left side, then his right side. Try walking/running around yourself and take notes :wink:

(NOTE: This is how it seemed to at the first sight. For some reason I can’t access the file anymore so I can’t check it right now, so I might be completely wrong.)

very nice work, but IMHO the head and the whole upper part of the body moves a bit too much, as somebody said, it looks like the runner is tired and can’t stay on his feet any longer.

If you study a running or sprinting animation, you will notice that the torso and the head stay level, the only move up and down a bit (even there not much).

Also, the timing of the arm-movement is a bit too early compared to the feet, but somebody else mentioned that already.

The animation is great, just make the torso a bit more stable, then I think it is perfect!

hey all and thanks for the comments… 8)

for the curious, I made this straight out
of my head without any studymaterial…

I did this in one day, this weekends saturday,
and I know it isn’t perfect , but I did it,
and I will say that it is finished as is…but I may do
improvments…so until then…say what you like :wink:

I agree… arms and legs should move opposite each other, not together. Also, once you get up to a run, your heals stop touching the ground, only the balls of the feet. But good work so far!


ahh, sorry ppl…I guess my brain has melted this weekend…

I will look into the opposite pending arms/legs heh :-?


okey folks…

sorry for it…here is some improvement,
as I said, my brain must have melted…

sor here is the same links again…

just updated with correct leg/arm movement and also,
some tweaked legs/feets and up/down movement…

Great job buddy!

That is all.


I agree BgDm…
So much better


Very nice and smooth :slight_smile:


Yes, great job on animating! :smiley: