I have a amd Rx580 8gb , but can’t render with gpu . when select gpu , it grays out
i know its an old graphic card but some old nvidia gpu’s are supported right now .
is there any way to use my gpu in new blender version??
plz make it possible in new update.
Ever since Blender 3.0 or so, Cycles was re-written. Nvidia cards continued to use CUDA/Optix code while AMD moved away from OpenCL over to HIP. Only Vega and newer cards are supported. Your card is a cut off line and will not be supported. Ever.
Use the blender 2.9X version.
Blender 2.93 LTS — blender.org
Support associated with Rx580 has been removed.
This problem will not improve.
#98312 - Rx 580 8gb not showing in system - blender - Blender Projects
If you are having trouble using Blender 2.9X, check the link below.
If it is not supported, I think I should use blender 2.8X.
This is sad
Indeed. As others have said, should check the 2.8 or 2.9 versions of Blender before the re-write, or worst case scenario use CPU to render.
Or an online render farm, although those can get expensive quite quickly.
Or you buy an RX6600m off Aliexpress as i did when migrating from RX580. 150 Eurobucks approx. Mine is more quiet and uses half the electric power of an RX580, while it has about 40 to 90 % more punch in games. It has HIP support and makes a huge difference in Blender. I tried to Benchmark it, but these Blender benchmarks at https://opendata.blender.org/ do not make any sense to me. The benchmark program tells me something about samples per second and the opendata site talks about a secretive mix key called “median”. What ze frick?
Funny enough you can use RX 580 on blender 3.0 onwards on MacOS. I have a Mac Pro 5,1 dual booted in Windows. I was hoping to render in windows since it tends to be faster, but you can’t. On MacOS it uses Metal which is still supported. Probably not a useful workaround but worth knowing.
do you use hackintosh bro? im use it too but now im use igpu intel not upgraded yet, is it good use rx580 on hackintosh?
I have a 2012 Mac Pro 5,1 pretty much maxed out, running Monterey. I wanna try and build a Hackintosh at some point depending on the intel support of the new MacOS. I don’t wanna build a machine that will last 2 years.
The rx580 is decent with Mac. I can run some games fairly well and but I wouldn’t go out of my way to get one. There’s definitely better options on a budget.
This is a good resource for finding mac compatible GPUs