Sad Monkey Doll [Real-Time 3.2.2 Eevee]

Hello, everyone! :wave:

This is my entry for the Blender Discord Monthly Challenge, theme: “Solitude”. I’d like to share a few of my additional renderings. I hope it conveys what I was going for:

“As heavy rain falls outside, a Sad Monkey Doll waits in solitude for its owner’s return.”

Sculpting, Lighting and Modelling were done in Blender 3.2.2., with real-time rendering in Eevee, and Textures were created with photoshop. Color-Management curve were used to achieve the vintage color/appearance. The fur were simply hair-particles. No addons.

I hope you’ll like it! :heart:
As always, any feedback as well as suggestions for improvements are greatly welcomed! :smiley:

Here’s the entry. Watermarks were added later:

Here’s the clayrender & wireframe:

Here’s the extra composited renders with adjusted vignette, edited in photoshop & darktable:

That is all! Thank you for viewing, and have an awesome day!
Feel free to check out my previous renders here on artstation:

Best regards. :wink:


Such a sad little monkey doll. Very emotive.

I would especially like to compliment you on (in no order)

  • rain on glass
  • dithering half-tone effect you’ve achieved (by particles / fur ?) on the monkey render
  • character design
  • scene composition
  • muted color palette

Overall, this is something I would be pleased to hang on the wall over my couch. Gorgeous, subdued, and touching.

thanks for sharing this! :slight_smile:


Thank you so much for the kind compliment! and I’m pleased to hear that my artwork had a positive influence on you. It makes my day to hear that! :smiley:


It is a rather well presented piece.
All of the above comments apply. Very emotive without being sappy.

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Thank you :raised_hands:

I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!

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Thank you; appreciate it! Have a great weekend as well!

You’re on the featured row! :+1:


Thank you so much!

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Great job! That is me right there when my coffee or rum (or money) runs out.

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