Sago should start a webcomic featured on blendernation

ITT: people try to provoke Sago to draw them by acting like they don’t care.

Well those words are better then homo and those profanized insults tons of people use now.

Fuck shit goddammit Icoxo shut the fuck up kthx.

You really didn’t have to demonstrate that. But you helped prove my point.

“why not just be a man”… yeah, haha.

Prove what point? What possible differance can you show between those arrangements of letters and the ones you used that makes them “evil” or “wrong”.

If I say “blockhead” but mean the same as if I say “shithead” it is just as bad.

The intention counts, not the words used.


Keep the language down and civil guys.


Ajc, it’s probably the inherent definition of the words and what they were meant for. Their probably could’ve been other reasons added to that that made them swear words.


Keeping the tone up via cunning use of substitutions and subtle hints.

But copulate is not considered evil, yet the f word is… the definitions have the same basis…

Oh, well…


Awww… poor Valarking looks all chastened and sorry… that emoticon is really good.

I’m not an expert on the origion and history of words, so I really can’t tell you the precise reason why words like the F-word became forbidden swears.

Aren’t you interested though?


Valarking I will Fudge, Fluppidy, Dang, Shooty, Foop You!!!
Sago this is a comic of you.
I used teh intenets and compootar

And a more rescent image of myself.

I never had interest in word history. Personally I liked technology related subjects and science and history a bit more.

Yet you espouse clean speech so much…

That isn’t a cartoon of you?!:smiley:
I’m afraid Sago will find it tough to top that pic of you.
He will though. You know he will. For this man does not give up until he has the very blood of his victim tainting his gums.

I wish you well, friend, for I feel much punishment lies down the road.


My muscles are too big for the Sago to compete agisnst and my intelegence is unmachable. BTW I’m from Texas, it’s hard to top a Texan.

Ah, but what use are muscles when faced by a giant baby, who in defeat may fall and crush you? What use is intellect when faced with the swift and subtil scapel of satire? The Texas heritage may avail you yet, but the fight will render cities uninhabitable.

Can you live with the destruction of so much that is good and bountiful on your concience? Even if it means the defeat of that which is now known as Sago, destroyer of men?


I’m also an 8th Mexican, so I shall head over to El Mexico if El Texaso is detroyod Viva Revelution!

This Cyborg Dragon has the combination of embedded modern weaponry and classical Dragon defenses, if me and JackBlack tackled Sago together he would be in trouble.

I am too, I’m from Fort Worth myself.

I feel two Texas-ego fields clashing!