sampled Specular Nosie possible?


you all know to make a noise specular you can use a bump map.
As you know this produced only very coarse result.

the new mirror reflection can use samples to create much better
blended noise patterns.

is this possible somehow also for specular highlights / reflection?

Maybe though some other nodes?

nobody knows or has an answer?

i dont understand the question.

If you are trying to blur a reflection, the new SVN has Gloss, which blurs reflections.

If you want blurred noise, the cloud function is very good. Selecting Hard Noise, and NoiseSize and Depth and Basis and Nabla etc etc gives you just about any kind of blurred noise I can think of.

but i know you know that, so I don’t know what you don’t and want to, but i do want to.

hi pappa

It is not about blurred reflections (mirror) but very fine grain in the specular reflection.
With textures I cannot get it as smooth and still grainy as with the glossy function for
mirror reflection. Thats why I asked about sampling. I am sorry when my first post
was not clear.

do you have an example of what you are looking for? A fine grain, from my photography days, is crisp, not blurred. A specular reflection is a gradient shading as you approach the light souce; i dont see how that could be grainy…unless like the surface was finely pitted. Are you trying to get like,diamond grit sandpaper? Or like a felt…but no, a felt is fuzzy.

The other issue when you mention noise and like that is sampling,…what I call errors, from incomplete sampling. Like the speckled dirt in a poor quality AO. Is that what you are looking for?

The other thing is OSA filter; make sure your OSA is not blending your grain to fuzz. Blender has like 8. see wiki rendering options, render panel. Box might be what you want, definitely not Gaussian or quadratic.


do you know those iridescent paint coats or iridescent cremes?

here is an image:

the noise patterns i tried are never as smooth and fine, well always around a pixel.
thats why i asked about sampling.

next is how could you generate the iridescent fx in powder particles?
the specular reflections so fine also show different colors depending on the direction
of the metal flake.