Santa Claus and Christmas

So, I noticed that Christmas is approaching and one of my classmates made kind of a joke about Santa Claus.
Who is Santa Claus really?
A weird old fat guy who sits at the mall and gives children presents for sitting on his lap? :smiley:
Also comes down people’s chimneys and steals their milk and cookies for a lousy pair of socks.

So waiting for your oh so reasonable answers.

(hope this thread won’t get locked up instantly)

:slight_smile: Santa is anyone who gives without the desire to receive - I’ve met a lot of them over the years. It’s easy to give to someone that is reciprocating, but it’s more rewarding to give anonymously, with no strings attached. Feels better that way.:smiley:

I don’t get what kind of answers you’re hoping to recieve?

(reasonable post no.1):wink:

Well the original Santa was some dude who was a barren a long time ago and instead of spending all his inheritance, he gave it away to the poor and needy he used to throw bags of money through the window and run away.

That’s sly. Did he replace the windows?

This is Claus

(a writely test I did with some friends…)

It’s funny because “santa” implies that he’s a female…

Why in the wolrd does Santa implies he’s a female?!
Santa just means saint in spanish but why the heck do we say that in spanish?

You, as a Belgian, of all people should know that Santa Clause is derived from Saint Nicolas.
the same bearded guy who comes from Spain and roams our chimney’s in the early part of december.
I am deeply dissapointed :slight_smile:
th reason why we celebrate him twice is because Americans tend to mix up dates easily and santa clause was brought to christmas.
The association of the two was mainly thanks to a certain brand of beverages who gave him a red coat (should have been blue) and put him on the north pole (where he DOES NOT come from).

Santa Claus is ussualy mine/your/his/her father or uncle!

There are several origin stories (the Russian Orthodox saint, the Archbishop of Myra, the Chris Kringle dude, etc.), but I’m pretty sure the endings were all made up by chambers of commerce :smiley:

In my country, Santa already reigns supreme in every showcase. That’s a 20th century development, though, since the older tradition spoke of baby Jesus delivering presents himself (yeah, because that’s really what he came to do, iinit? :rolleyes:) Kinda dumb, but I can’t complain. I mean, the alternative’s an old fat man who breaks into your house when you’re sleeping and eats your food. Not just that, but he spends all of his time thinking of kids, and to make things worse, he somehow knows when they’ve been naughty.

BTW, the “Santa” thing confuses kids around here too. In Spanish we use gender declension, and if a noun ends in “a”, chances are the subject is female. Of course you always hear him called “Santa Claus” on TV – the correct alternative (“San Nicolás”) is hard to use in dubbing since it’s a four-syllabe word.

He sees you when you’re sleeping…

He knows when you’re awake…

Because Santa, more specifically, means female saint in Spanish.

Ok, now we know that Santa is not only an old guy who gives children presents for sitting on his lap but he is not a he at all!!

SANTA <-------> SATAN
…hmmm, same letters in their names, they both wear red, both live in places where conditions are not conducive to human life (one hot, one cold), and both have their own nationally-celebrated (in the US, anyway) holidays… are these guys related, or are they both just graduates of the same Dale Carnegie seminar?

:smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

LOVE is EVOL (read: evil) or LIFE is EFIL (read: evil).
Don’t forget the CON in CONfidence.
And in dutch we oftenly use the suffix -lijk (which is also a noun which means “corpse”) as in “heerlijk” (delicious) , “moeilijk” (difficult) and “liefelijk” (lovely).

Really, there are many of such things where negative terms and anagrams are hidden in our every day vocabulary. Coincidence, anyone?

Do you want to know whats evil?
Ok then…

It’s wonderfully ironic, because it’s usually Americans that are so often accused of being geocentric.

Because it is Americans who started putting him on Christmas, after all. :rolleyes:

St. Nicholas and Santa are two different “people”. St. Nicholas has his day on Dec 6 and Santa is usually around either Dec 25th or New Years. Santa is derived from him, but the two are different and the explanation is much more complex than silly Americans who confuse dates.

St. Nicholas, Santa, St. Martinus… it all comes down to the same thing, really. Children believing in them and parents buying gifts for their children, pretending they’re from [insert red-coated, white-bearded person here].

There’s just something disturbing about a fat old man that breaks in your house and stalks your kids.