Santa Claus

Yes! Yes! Yes! You just helped me remember something, kinda.

After I rendered the animation of him falling, I thought, “Aww, man, I wanted to make him get stuck again and have his legs dangle, but I don’t want to have to retime everything.” So I just kinda forgot about the idea. But after I read your post, I realized I came across a similar situation in an earlier project, and I used the sequence editor to fix everything. So I’ll do that, but I’ll wait until everything else is completely done before I do. Thanks.

I’ve done some work on the indoor shots. There is still much to be done. I might brighten up the first part of the shot where he falls down the chimney if I’m going to make his legs dangle a little. What would be the point of making his legs dangle if you can’t see them? I still need to make him say a few words at the end, but other than that and the whole leg dangling thing this is basically what the animation will be. After I finish animating, I will fill the scene with clutter(like stockings.) If anyone happens to think of anything I could put in the scene to make it more full, let me know. I’ll probably put some candles and a wreath and some pictures on the mantle. I might put a painting on the wall above the mantle. Anyways, here’s what I have so far. It took about 20 minutes to render, so with motionblur it will take about an hour and 40 minutes, and when I render it full size to put on DVD, it will take a long time.

Heh, this is starting to look kinda neat. I’d replace the tiny halos with smoke sprites, though, cause specks look a little odd.

Yeah, you’ll need to insert him kicking his legs out a little, cause right now he wouldn’t be able to fall vertically down the chimney and have his legs stick out in front of him. Him kicking back and forth though, would enable him to get his legs out front so he could land in that position.

Anyway, still watching.


Looks good! Nice smooth animation. One thing I noticed is that santas upper body is a but long, or his legs a bit short…
The fireplace looks a tad strange wihtout any wood or fire of any sort(but what are you gonna dom right?) and during the head shot, the light strikes me as a bit strong. If the whole scene was a bit darker, wiht a flickering light(candle sim) and a soft blue light form the opposite direction, like it was near a window or something…That ouwld look cool.
Anyway, keep it up, looking good!

BlackBoe: Thanks. I’ll try to fix the tiny specs. What ever happened to being able to duplivert objects onto particles? Yeah, he’s gonna be kickin around a little before he pops out of the bottom of the chimney.

free_ality: Thanks. I might put a poker and one of those shovel things next to the fireplace since I obviously can’t put fire in it. I’m probably going to put a candle on the fireplace on either side of the wreath. I’ll work on the lighting, but I made it strong purposely to make the face look ok. That was the main priority. If I put candles in the scene, it will actually have a reason to be a little(not a lot) bright.

So anyways, I was so impressed with Blender’s particles, I had to post this. Since when can particles cast shadows?

ha, since a couple releases ago :slight_smile:
Its looking good now…

Thanks free_ality. Ok, this is the latest render. It took like 13 hrs because I did it with motion blur. You can hardly notice the motion blur, but I guess that’s a good thing. The animation that you see is basically done. Now I’m going to finish dressing the set, and then I’ll do the other part of the animation that goes in between(when he gets stuck again). I have a big vision in my head of what I want, so hopefully I wont forget it. When he realizes he’s stuck, he’s gonna move his legs a little like he’s riding a bicycle, then he’ll kick them straight down, then, as Trevor said, he will stretch to the ground and pop out.

So, in order to get to that stage I need to put some stuff in the scene. If you can think of anything at all to put in, let me know. Thanks. Here’s the video:

looks good!
Quick Question, do you use motion blur because of vector blurs wierd smear artifacts?
Just wondering…

free_ality: Thanks. There’s really no particular reason why I use motion blur.

I added the poker and the shovel thing, and I’m satisfied, so if anybody thinks I should add something else, speak now or forever hold your peace.